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Guided Inner Smile Meditation CD

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This is a 20 minute guided meditation, I talk you through a very powerful meditation, the “Daoist Inner smile meditation” this will re establish your connection into your heart to create a warm beautiful inner smile that will leave you glowing from the inside out.


Above The beautiful Antonio Soto


I am accompanied by Antonio Soto, a vary talented musician from Mexico, he plays the Halo, once again this is a very powerful instrument that was channelled through a meditation and has been made for these times ~


Above The Halo

I am receiving such great feed back from people who have brought this Cd, I advice people to listen to this each night before sleep (if you fall asleep that is fine as the words and music will be going directly into your subconscious) over a 28 day period, this is the time it takes to establish a new “habit” or to break old “habits” also this sound and my voice will help to re establish new neuro path ways in the brain to feel more peaceful and joyful, this is also very powerful to send out into any areas of your life that you feel could do with some clearing right now ~

halo 2

Above The Halo

This again will re establish that flow of energy and just by listening to the sounds of the Halo you are taken into an amazing space on every level ~

If you come along to any of the classes you can buy one of these Daoist Inner smile Cds, if not email over your address to [email protected] and I will post one out to you ~ the cost of the Cd is £10 ~

Below is what one person has to say about this Cd…

I want to thank you for introducing me to your amazing Inner Smile Meditation CD.
I have listened to it every day since I received it over a month ago and at first I didn’t notice anything different.
You told me to listen for 28 days every night before I went to sleep and to wait and be patient.
What can I say? Well my creative juices are flowing right now like never before….I hadn’t painted in over 20 years, I hadn’t written poetry in at least 10 years, I hadn’t been inspired for a very long time.
Now my mind is buzzing with awesome painting ideas, my poetry is starting to flow once more and I have even begun to design some clothing (just for me).
I feel like I am at the beginning of an amazing new journey and chapter in my life….I know there is more to come and I cannot wait for it to surface.
By the way I had never meditated before I had your CD but now…..well I’m smiling from my heart centre

meditation cd


Mahala x

earth vibrates

Above, a fantastic tip!

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